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We Are EpiCottage

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Reconnect with the things that bring satisfaction and joy!

The founder spent years in the navy, keeping a watchful eye beyond the horizon to protect our homes and way of life. As a veteran, the drive to protect our communities and serve others has never gone away. Recent circumstances have brought into sharp relief two important lessons:

  1. The scout motto to “Be Prepared” is easy to lose sight of in good times; and

  2. The appreciation for life comes from living it!


Thus, out of the depths of the year that shall not be named, came a renewed appreciation for enjoying the small pleasures and the need for independence and resilience. For taking the time to slow down and get the most from the amazing world around us.


EpiCottage was created to bring items to your homestead that enhance the flavors brought from your hearth to the table, no matter what occurs in the world outside.

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